Make a Financial Contribution
Your donation supports the infrastructure and services that help our guest families become independent. Any gift is appreciated. Make a secure online donation or mail your donation to P.O. Box 2984, Lafayette, LA 70502.
Small Ways to Make a Big Difference
• $38 buys a one-month bus pass. This provides transportation that enables an adult guest to get and keep a job.
• $40 pays for one family counseling session, an important service for many of our families who are often dealing with some level of trauma that contributed to their current homelessness.
• $110 provides basic daily living supplies for one month for guest families at the Nash House.
Volunteer or Become a Host/Support Congregation
Volunteers are the heart of this organization. Donations and hands-on help from our volunteers are what keeps this program running. With the help of more than 400 volunteers, we serve an average of 7,000 meals annually. We have furnished 78 homes since 2004. Volunteers provide homeless families with the support and tools necessary to sustain their independence once again. There are many ways you can make a difference in your community and in the lives of homeless families. Complete the form to volunteer and change the life of someone in need.
Volunteers perform various services: setting up the guest rooms, providing the evening meal, breakfast and a bagged lunch, visiting with guests, and playing with children or helping with homework. They also help out with fundraisers, which are a major funding source for the organization. Volunteers also provide support in helping guests sustain their independence.