Our Services
Applicants are screened and must demonstrate a willingness to actively improve their situation. Ninety percent of guests come through referrals from the Lafayette Parish public school district’s homeless education program; two-thirds of guests have been children.
Prevention & Diversion
This involves helping a family facing imminent homelessness to avoid losing their housing. This could be through rental assistance, security deposit, utility support, landlord mediation and other means to keep families from having to enter a shelter.
When a family has lost their housing, we offer safe housing and holistic solutions to overcome the issues that led to their current homelessness and reach long-term stability.
Once our guest families graduate into their own housing, we offer programming to help them reamin housed and avoide of recurrence of homelessness.
Journey to Independence: 2004-2022 Statistics
• 87% graduated into permanent housing
• 93% employed
• 66% of those in shelter are children
• 35% of those in shelter are under age 5